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Opening an Exchange
An Exchange converts your cryptocurrency withdrawal into US dollars or other local currency. You’ll also use your exchange to purchase your chosen currency to deposit with Ignition. Create your exchange by checking out cryptocurrencyhelp for our recommended exchange wallet. Consider the opening of an Exchange account the same as opening a bank account – verification of your identity is standard, so have your Government-issued photo ID handy.
For a short walk-through, view the video tutorial with the simple process of creating your first exchange account; however, these steps can be used for any recommended exchange you choose.
- Opening an exchange account is free and takes approximately 5 minutes;
- You’ll need to leave the Ignition site to open your Exchange, so bookmark this Help Topic to return to it easily;
- Proof of address may be required if not indicated on your ID;
- Verification times can vary, but typically only take a couple of minutes, depending on the information requested (ex. The last 4 digits of your SSN);
- Exchanges will charge a small fee for your transactions – but less than current credit card Fees.
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